Violated Grave – Violated Grave

Violated Grave is the first project and from Asheville’s Avant Core Anonymous collective. The group aims at bringing local Asheville, NC. Musicians together to anonymously create and record anythignthe seem fit under the Extreme banner (Death Metal, Black Metal, Grindcore, etc.). The self titled first release from Violated Grave is four songs of heavy, brutal, nasty metal NOT for the faint of heart.

The brutality hits right away with the title-track, “Violated Grave”. This song, about the twisted excitement of grave excavation, does not skip on the heavy, bass driven riffs. The speed does not relent, including the blistering solo. “Nails on the Coffin Lid” has the sludginess of Old School Death Metal. It has a very deliberate and steady rhythm that suits the horrifying lyrical content of someone being mistakenly buried alive.

Obscene descriptions of incredible violence is really what gave true shock and awe to Death Metal and Grindcore. Violated Grave stay true to that theme. Its pushed just a bit further on “Perenial to Cranial Split”. The blasting rhythm and barking vocals tell the gruesome specifics of human mutilation. True stories can often be more terrifying and horrendous than even the most disturbed fictitious mind. The case of Armin Meiwes, or the “Rotenburg Cannibal,” has been the inspiration for several artistic outpourings. It only makes sense for those making extreme music to find their way to his story. “A Michelin Star for Armin Miewes” gives grisly details of the true events of Miewes killing, cooking, and eating of a controversially willing participant. The heaviness and vicious delivery only match the heaviness of the lyrical content. The incredible solo gives a slight reprise from the welcomed repulsiveness of the rest of the song, that leaves a wanting for more lead playing.

Violated Grave have delivered an EP of brutal riffas, and gruesome imagery. Tails of unspeakable acts of violence and and twisted horrors burrow into your mind. Those with weak stomachs beware! For the rest of us, this is a fantastic EP that leads to hopes of a full album. A must listen for fans of Old-School Death Metal and brutal Grindcore. Violated Grave is available now for download via Bandcamp.

Check out Ashevilles’s Avant Core Anonymous on Bandcamp and at the social links below!