The Writhers – In One Gulp

The Writhers are upping the ante and refining their sound on their follow-up EP.

The Writhers are back with their latest EP, In One Gulp. This release comes just after a string of successful Halloween live streams, including their own Third Annual Ghoul Gang Gala. The EP has something for long existing fans as well as those new to The Writhers brand of Horror Punk. The sound is similar enough to their previous release, Ghastly Reminders, to not turn away the faithful, but there is a bit more brightness. They seem to be breaking out of the mold The Cramps left behind and expanding into their own realm.

The intro song of In One Gulp, “Devilmask Approaches”, is evil sounding, yet campy. It feels like a good cheesy horror B-Movie. It leads well into “Rot Rot Rot”. Old fans will recognize this song from earlier live performances. For new fans, “Rot Rot Rot” brings excellent bass, as is expected from The Writhers. The vocals really come across as vocalist Robert Writhe having a lot of fun with his delivery. Going back the the B-Movie feel of “Devilmask Approaches”, no B-Movie collection would be complete without a Sci-Fi classic invasion story. Enter: “What Is That”. Its a faster song than the previous, and has great vocal vibrato. This hits on the fear of the unknown as it shows itself. We don’t know what it is, but it is here and it is invading! “Pulp” slows it down a little bit with an almost 50s rock n roll feel. Highlights to listen for are the lead guitar and the always welcome accordion. “Cold Day” has a classic Horror Punbk feel, but with a ska-like rhythm and guitar playing. It completes the classic sound with “Whoa’s” in the backing vocals. To close, “Devilmask Defeated” is slow burning with strong bass. The spoken-word vocals are an excellent touch to bring this EP to an end.

The Writhers are quickly becoming one of the top workhorse bands in Horror Punk. They are always up to something. Be sure to grab this release off their Bandcamp, or from your favorite streaming platform. December 4th they will be apart of Art Unites and Art Unites India presented SYNTHESIS. This will include a live performance and interview! Look out for them on social media and be sure to catch anything they are doing in the future.


The Writhers on:




Review of Ghastly Reminders