Old Man Trying To Be Cool Poorly – The Devil(is the Devil)

Holy Kazoo Old Man!

Old Man Trying To Be Cool Poorly is releasing the first single off his upcoming debut album on April 23rd. The Ukulele Ska Punk artist uses is SG ukulele and a kazoo to deliver a tale and warning of dealing with the Devil to achieve your goals. “The Devil(is the Devil)”. The poppy rhythm and catchy chorus make it an easy song to follow along to, and enjoy. The video, which releases on April 26th, shows the lyrics being handwritten, making it even easier to follow along. Based on this delightful melody, and grim tale within the lyrics, anticipation of the full album is growing. This song is definitely one that sticks long after the listen through is complete. “The Devil(is the Devil)” will be available on all major streaming platforms!